Approval processes are fundamental, complex, and can also be time-consuming. Our COOR dashboards simplify this process, providing you with a clear overview and complete control over all internal KPIs and project information at all times.
The approval process for a construction project involves numerous steps that are beyond our control. These include the submission of detailed construction applications, review by the building authority, potential queries, as well as notices and approvals. While these external procedures may take some time, our COOR project dashboard allows you to maintain control over internal project management.
The dashboard provides a centralized view of all fundamental information, such as project name, description, client, and contractor. Budget details, technical data, approval status, and schedules are also clearly and comprehensively displayed. You can customize your personal view according to your requirements – as individualized as you need.
Track key KPIs such as cost and revenue developments, cash flow diagrams, and precise forecasts. These metrics enable you to reliably manage and monitor all financial and operational aspects of the project.
With this comprehensive information, you maintain control over all project details and can make profound decisions while external approval processes are ongoing.